New Report: YKP Organizational Guideline for Crisis Situations

Increasing youth-led organizations resilience and preparedness to handle crisis situations like the COVID-19 pandemic
The world we are living in today seems to be impacted more and more by natural disasters and humanitarian crises. COVID-19 particularly, has had disastrous impacts in nearly all corners of the globe. Young key populations (YKPs) and young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) already face challenges in employment, social protection, accessing healthcare, psychosocial support and education, which have been further exacerbated by COVID-19.
Responding to the need, Youth LEAD developed an organizational-level policy and best practices guidelines for crisis situations. This guideline is a compilation of existing good practices, including on preparedness, safety, remote work, and social and mental health support for staff and network partners.
Learning from the good practices of our network partners, nine general strategies were identified as crucial in offsetting the impact of future crises and maintain core organizational functions.
- Undertake a Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
- Digital upskilling of the organization
- Develop support networks and strategic partnerships
- Develop a standard but flexible travel safety policy
- Develop a wellbeing strategy
- Develop adaptation strategies and prepare to seek funding
- Develop internal and external communication strategies and back ups
- Prepare to lead
- Continue to engage