New Report: Engagement of Youth in the Country Coordinating Mechanism and Global Fund Processes in the Asia Pacific

A situational analysis of the challenges and facilitating factors for meaningful engagement of youth in CCM
This study aims to produce evidence on the current level of engagement of young people in Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) to inform ongoing young people, in particular young key population (YKP) and young people living with HIV (YPLHIV), with HIV advocacy for strengthened YKP representation in CCMs in Asia and the Pacific countries.
Young people’s engagement and involvement in the CCM is critical in ensuring effective response to eliminate HIV, TB, and Malaria disease among children and youth. In a recent mapping assessment of youth engagement in CCM of 18 countries in Asia and the Pacific, only seven countries reported that they have CCM members representing young people or young key populations, and 50% of the total responses (n=29) have ever engaged in the GF funding request country dialogues.
This report triangulated HIV, TB, and Malaria epidemiological data with National Strategic Plans (NSPs), GF’s latest Funding Request documents of all three diseases, and youth representations in CCM of the respective 18 countries to identify gaps of youth involvement and engagement in the CCM.
The analysis shows that although some countries include priority interventions in their GF funding requests, youth remain unrepresented in their CCM.