Joint Youth Statement for the Global Fund's 7th Replenishment

Leading up to the Global Fund's 7th Replenishment, Youth LEAD, Y+ Global, Youth RISE, and YPEER Asia Pacific, joined together to highlight the needs and priorities of young people affected by HIV globally and how the Global Fund contributes to saving the lives of young people. In support of the Global Fund’s 7th Replenishment, 91 youth-led and youth-serving organizations signed on to the joint Youth Statement calling on governments and the private sector to invest in global health and young people.
The Youth Statement aims to remind key stakeholders, the Global Fund, and donors that much remains to be done on HIV prevention and treatment for young people. There are approximately 1.7 million adolescents and 3.4 million young people (15-24 years) living with HIV globally, and two out of every seven new HIV infections were among young people in 2019. Despite this, young people are at the forefront and remain active in combatting HIV with the support of institutions like the Global Fund.
World leaders and the private sector have the opportunity to ensure the health and well-being of young people, and in doing so contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 3 on Health and Goal 10 on Reduced Inequalities. The voice and leadership of young people are crucial in combatting HIV. Governments, the private sector, and the Global Fund must invest on health and young people to fight for what counts – to fight for young people.
Read the Youth Statement below: