COVID-19 Pandemic: Youth LEAD Statement

Youth LEAD Statement on the COVID-19 Pandemic
The World Health Organisation has recently classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a ‘pandemic’. This classification to some may be alarming, however, we would like to remind you all that this does not indicate the virus has become deadlier but acknowledges the disease’s geographical spread. This also means that the global response to prevent and contain the virus has strengthened.
As you may already have noticed, many conferences, forums and meetings regionally and globally have since been postponed or cancelled to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For the foreseeable future, the Youth LEAD secretariate will limit non-essential travel. This will mean that the additional support normally given to our focal points and network partners at the country level will be restricted. This, however, only refers to our country visits. We are still able to support our focal points and partners at the regional level and will work to support you as much as we can from our office in Bangkok.
Ultimately, this is a reminder for all to take extra precautions in regards to your health and wellbeing. The WHO regularly updates current news and information on COVID-19 via their social media platforms and website. To find out more visit
We would also like to remind everyone if you are displaying symptoms of the Coronavirus or think you may have been exposed, please seek advice from a medical professional.
From the Youth LEAD team, we wish you all good health and hope that everything will return to normal shortly. Also, remember to wash your hands frequently and to avoid touching your face.
Youth LEAD