Building capacity: YKP-led CLM implementation in Indonesia

Posted on Aug 26, 2024

Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) is a game-changer in the HIV response landscape. It’s an accountability mechanism that operates at various levels, spearheaded by local community organizations. These organizations are often led by People Living with HIV (PLHIV), key population networks, and other affected communities.

Why is this important? In the context of HIV, key population communities and People Living with HIV are the ones who most frequently access HIV services. As they create demand for these services, their meaningful involvement is crucial. Through various monitoring efforts, these communities play a pivotal role in ensuring that services meet their needs effectively.

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CLM involves evidence-based monitoring and advocacy efforts, focusing on policy recommendations. By directly implementing several monitoring methods, the affected communities ensure that the delivery of health services is closely scrutinized and improved. In essence, CLM empowers those most impacted by HIV to lead the charge in enhancing the quality and accountability of HIV services.

As a part of strengthening the youth leadership on CLM at the country level, Inti Muda Indonesia (the National Network of Young Key Populations and Young People with HIV) conducted CLM training for it’s provincial member with financial support by UNAIDS Regional Support Team through Youth LEAD, this training aims to strengthen the knowledge and technical understanding of CLM among young key populations in Indonesia and support CLM efforts at the country level, especially in data collection from young key populations to enhance the current CLM component in Indonesia, while at the same time promote youth-led monitoring and meaningful involvement of young key populations in the CLM process.

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This training was conducted for 3 days from 3 - 5 July 2024, and was attended by 10 participants, each representing one of the 10 provincial members of Inti Muda Indonesia. During  the training, participants discussed the current CLM implementation in their respective province, as CLM was incorporated  in the Global Fund’s country proposal of Indonesia for 2024 - 2026. Participants also learned on how to conduct their own CLM and deliberated on the strategies to enhance youth participation in the CLM implementation. 

In addition to training with young key populations, Inti Muda Indonesia invited stakeholders from UNAIDS country office in Indonesia, Indonesia AIDS Coalition (the Global Fund community PR responsible for CLM implementation in Indonesia until 2026), and CLM INA Task Force (A taskforce established to integrate all community initiatives in CLM in Indonesia). The third day served as a crucial forum to discuss the issues faced by young key populations when it comes to participating in the CLM process meaningfully, it also provided an opportunity to hear the update on the CLM process under the Global Fund and other related initiatives.

Looking ahead, Inti Muda Indonesia is committed to  continuing its effort to  empower  young key populations in Indonesia. They aim to enhance their capacity to participate actively in the CLM process while advocating for more safe spaces that promote youth leadership in the CLM process and the National HIV Response overall. 
